Happy First Day of March Matness! The One Hundred. The lovely Carolina Sendic in beautiful Italy. Alex Siragusa. Hannah Gerres.
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Happy First Day of March Matness! The One Hundred. The lovely Carolina Sendic in beautiful Italy. Alex Siragusa. Hannah Gerres.
Would you like to rent space in a beautiful studio with high ceilings, wood floors, gorgeous views and light filled windows?
Announcing a phenomenal opportunity to teach in an internationally reputable Pilates center in San Francisco! Would you like to become part of one of the first Pilates Education Centers in the SF Bay Area? You can have your own business without the overhead, hassles and risk.
Starting March 8 Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ Class will start back up at Moraga Country Club, Fridays at 1 pm. Space limited to 5 people. contact Jennifer info@peakperformancepilates.com
Enhance your strength, flexibility, balance and coordination while playing in and by the water! Discover the newest, most exhilarating body/mind conditioning that deeply works your abdominal, shoulder, back and hip muscles. Open your shoulders and hips, lengthen your spine, flatten your stomach.
In our lovely Half Moon Bay Studio, John discovers the joy of the Ladder Barrel with a makeshift one!
We enjoyed our first day teaching at our lovely new studio at 323 Geary St, Suite 510. We even get to see the sunset on the TransAmerica building!
We have successfully arrived at our new beautiful studio on 323 Geary Street, suite 510. We celebrated in Romana’s fashion. We look forward to thoroughly enjoying it.
The San Francisco Studio is moving December 31, 2018, a couple of blocks away, into a beautiful space with a high ceiling, wood floor, large light filled windows and a view of Union Square!
All ready to go to our new San Francisco studio at 323 Geary St, suite 510, Monday!
It has been 14 years of fun at Post Street.
California is sadly plagued with fires and bad air. We hope you can donate to organizations that help the fire victims – SF Chronicle, NY Times, Sacramento Bee list some organizations. Please avoid going outside. If you have to, it is recommended to wear an N95 filter, plus sunglasses (or goggles) and a hat to help the eyes. Breathe through your nose. Run Hepa air filters in your rooms. When you are in the room with the air filtered you can try these breathing skills:
The One Hundred inhaling 5 counts, exhaling at least 10 counts to squeeze the smoky air out.
Blow all of the air out slowly (as if blowing gently on a string), then at the end try to count out loud (speaking). Lie supine for this.
Breathe into the sides and lower back lungs near your kidneys.
Radishes help with inflamed bronchioles.
The liver loves lemon water. The throat likes ginger tea with fresh ginger.
Avoid all forms of sugar, dairy as these increase inflammation and mucous.