Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics School™ will run it’s pioneering first course for Pilates Teachers to teach the Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ repertoire. Be a pioneer! Join us in September, 2015 in the East Bay. For information contact Jennifer
Following Joseph Pilates’ philosophy to “Never fail to get all the sunshine and fresh air you can”, Jennifer Stacey has created the Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ School to educate teachers on teaching the Classic Pilates repertoire in the water, using a patent pending device she invented. It is fun, challenging and supportive! Imagine carrying the entire line of Pilates’ apparatus in a duffle bag and performing the Classic Repertoire in the sunshine? Jennifer is thoroughly enjoying playing with this new device, working on the repertoire, getting a deep workout in her abdominals, hips and shoulders. It is so exhilarating being able to perform the entire advanced Classic Pilates work, and gymnastics’ skills while challenging the center and supporting the body (it is appropriate for beginners and people with injuries as well). …. Stay tuned! There will be manuals, dvds and a Teacher’s education program.