March Matness: Double Leg Kick.
Joseph Pilates had an apparatus – it had a small spring with a handle on one end, and a loop on the other end. You held the handle in one hand, the loop was on the foot. You had one on each side. On the Double Leg Kick: you stretch the legs, which takes the hands back down towards the feet, which slide the scapulae down, which rolls the collarbones forward and up, and the eyes roll forward and up (around the ears). Follow the leader! (“legs – hands- shoulder blades- collar bones – eyes”). Other cues: You have a snowball under your belly. Keep your belly off of the snowball the entire time. Exhale, kick the legs 3X, legs zipped, pelvis still. Inhale into the sides of the lungs as the hands slide down. Do not over rotate your elbows. If you see the picture of Joseph Pilates performing the DLK his legs and hands are reaching backwards in a straight line.
Pictures from Jennifer Stacey’s Peak Performance Pilates Teaching manuals.