Monthly Archives: March 2017
March Matness: Day 29. The Rocking IPA™
March Matness, Day 29: The Rocking. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA. Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness: Day 26. The Twist IPA™
March Matness, Day 26: The Twist. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA. Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness: Day 24. Leg Pull Back IPA™
March Matness, Day 24: Leg Pull Back . Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA. Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
April 30: “Pilates from the Wings: Finding center & wings through alignment of the arm and hand” workshop.
Sunday, April 30, 12 – 3 pm. 3 PMA CECs. Pilates from the Wings: Finding the center and wings through alignment of the arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand in Pilates. Discover the power of the Scapular Muscles and Serapè. Release the … Continue reading
March Matness: Day 20. Side Leg Kick IPA™
March Matness, Day 20: Side Leg Kick. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA. Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness: Day 13. Single Leg Kick IPA™
March Matness, Day 13: Single Leg Kick. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness: Day 12. Swan IPA™
March Matness, Day 12: Swan. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness: Day 10. Corkscrew IPA™
March Matness, Day 10. Corkscrew Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness Day 5: Rolling IPA™
March Matness, Day 4. Rolling Like a Ball. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Classic Pilates in, on and by the water. photo 2015 copyright J Stacey