Monthly Archives: March 2015
Siri Dharma Galliano teaching in SF 3/24 and 26
Siri Dharma Galliano will be teaching solo and semi-private sessions in the SF Peak Performance Pilates and The Pilates Collective studio on Tuesday and Thursday, March 24 and 26. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Contact Hannah Gerres <>
Joseph Pilates at Jacob’s Pillow
Jennifer teaching workshop at the PMA conference, Denver 11/15
Jennifer Stacey, MS will be teaching a workshop at the PMA conference in Denver, CO, Thursday, Nov. 5th @ 3:45 pm. Pilates from the Wings: The power of the Serape and scapular muscles through the alignment of the arm and hand. … Continue reading
The Brain’s plasticity I highly recommend Dr. Doidge’s books: The Brain that changes itself. The Brain’s Way of Healing. Pilates also works with the neuro-re-education. That is why it works!