The Jaw is one of the greatest weight bearing joints of the body. It sits at the top of spine, so it can influence everything below it. Before your movement session, you can rub your jaw, and perform Eve Gentry’s mouth gargles. Pretend your mouth is full of mouth wash and you are moving the mouth wash around in the mouth. Dr. Gotz Lehle, from Italy, will be teaching an exciting workshop on Cranial Mandibular (CMD) problems. How to assess and address these problems through movement. If you address the CMD area, then you address a myriad of other problems in the body. So it is very effective work. The workshop is open to clients, movers, movement teachers, physical therapists, chiropractors, doctors. Friday, April 13, 4pm – 7pm. Since he was an actor and comedian, he is an exceptional lecturer with a background in numerous medical, health and movement areas.