March Matness, Day 24: Leg Pull Back . Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA.
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness, Day 24: Leg Pull Back . Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA.
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
Sunday, April 30, 12 – 3 pm. 3 PMA CECs. Pilates from the Wings: Finding the center and wings through alignment of the arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand in Pilates. Discover the power of the Scapular Muscles and Serapè. Release the neck and shoulders. “Inspiring” “Amazing”.
Jennifer M. Stacey, MS, PMA-CPT, 2nd Generation Pilates Teacher, Exercise Physiologist/ Biomechanist is finally teaching her internationally renown workshops at San Francisco Peak Performance Pilates. 3 PMA CECs per workshop. “I always think of you as the best teacher I have ever met.” Come join us. A couple of spaces left.
Discover the secret to moving from your wings and Serape. Effectively use the two “centers” to enhance performance, prevent and address injuries, back and neck problems. Align your arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers to connect to the armpit and wings while performing Pilates on the Mat and various apparatus.
There are two centers of the body: The cylinder of the trunk and the lower scapular area (“wings”). To recruit the main center (the cylinder) you have to recruit the wings. To recruit the wings you need to align the upper limb. The key to recruiting the trunk and wing centers is correct alignment of the fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder.
Learn proper hand placement on The Pilates Mat, barres, pedal, handles and straps to promote efficient and centered movement. This enhances performance and places less stress upon the back, neck, shoulders and wrists.
Sunday, June 4, 12 – 3 pm. 3 PMA CECs:
“Addressing bunions (hallux valgus) with Pilates”.
Flyer: SF2017 flyer Registration form: Registration for J Stacey WS 2017
Discover the magic of Pilates through the teachings of the Pilates Elders, science and biomechanics.
More workshops will be added in the summer. Topics will include the following:
“Gems from the Elders: Romana Kryzanowska, Kathy Grant, Ron Fletcher, Eve Gentry and Bruce King”;
“Kathy Grant Mat Class, including her Cats.”
Flyer: SF2017 flyer Registration form: Registration for J Stacey WS 2017
126 Post Street, 3rd fl., SF.
The Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ Teacher’s Course will be offered Fri – Sun, May 5 (10 – 5 pm), 6 (10 – 5 pm), 7 (10:30 – 5:30 pm)in Moraga, CA. 18 CECs offered. Stay tuned! Become an IPA™ Teacher! A fun, challenging, exhilarating way to explore Classic Pilates in, on and by the water. Space is limited.
Jennifer’s Story: Take this opportunity to study with a Second Generation teacher’s teacher who has been teaching Pilates around the world for 29 years. Jennifer founded one of the first dedicated Pilates facilities in the Bay Area. She was lucky enough to study from Romana, Ron, Kathy and Eve (and other Elders). Ron Fletcher traveled to SF to rehab his shoulder with Jennifer. Kathy Grant took workshops from Jennifer and gave her permission to teach her work. Romana Kryzanowska approved her as a Pilates teacher of her work. Jennifer has enjoyed co-teaching and learning from several revered health professionals who inform her teaching, and advance Jennifer’s ability to reveal the intelligence and wonder of Pilates.
Testimonials from workshops Jennifer taught in London 2014: “Thank you for one of the most informative and well taught workshops (March 9th Release the Rib cage).” “Always think of you as the best teacher I have ever met and still hope that you will be coming to London very soon.” “I really enjoyed your workshops and have spent the last few weeks trying to embed the work into my own teaching and practice. And: my clients have really benefited from this new approach. I really want to learn more from you, so please do let me know whenever you’re in Europe or the UK. Thank you once again for your truly inspiring workshops!” “Thank you for the great workshop. I am interested in coming to your retreat in the Algarve in July.” “Thank you for leading a great workshop. I have been teaching matwork for 10 years, but the workshop made me realise I remain a novice when it come to the traditional work. The experience went some way to me deciding to enroll on a fully comprehensive teacher training course.” “A joy to meet you and a real treat to have the wonderful input you gave from your decades of experience, thank you!” “Thank you very much for the amazing workshop and private session.” “It’s been amazing meeting you, and I feel honored to have had the chance to attend your amazing workshop here in London, and to have had the opportunity to do a private session with you. You are an amazing teacher and I’m very grateful for everything that you have taught me. I hope you will come again to London in the near future.” “I really enjoyed your detailed analysis of the repertoire, something that I felt was missing from my training and that I have been putting together for myself over time. Hence my ordering all your books!” “Loved it! Come back again soon ???? !” “Thank you for today’s workshop in London. Got loads out of it, really inspiring stuff!” “I hope you will be coming to London soon to do some workshops. That would be amazing.”
Jennifer Stacey will be teaching her scintillating workshop “Squish or Stretch: Optimizing the Stretch reflex in Pilates” at the Pilates Method Alliance 2017 conference in Indian Wells, CA in October.
March Matness, Day 20: Side Leg Kick. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7! Moraga, CA.
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness, Day 13: Single Leg Kick. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7!
March Matness, Day 12: Swan. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7!
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness, Day 10. Corkscrew Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7!
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water
March Matness, Day 4. Rolling Like a Ball. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7!
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water.
March Matness, Day 4. The One Leg Circle. Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™)
Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ (IPA™) Teachers’ Course. Moraga, CA, May 5 – 7!
Classic Pilates in, on and by the water.
March 12 “Open the lower back Ribs and the Pelvis alignment and ‘Scoop’ will follow. Lead with the lungs and honor the psoas in Pilates” workshop is in one week! Jennifer M. Stacey, MS, PMA-CPT, 2nd Generation Pilates Teacher, Exercise Physiologist/ Biomechanist is finally teaching her internationally renown workshops at San Francisco Peak Performance Pilates. 3 PMA CECs per workshop. “I always think of you as the best teacher I have ever met.” Come join us. A few spaces left.
Sunday, March 12, 12 – 3 pm: “Open the lower back ribs and the pelvis alignment and ‘Scoop’ will follow. Lead with the lungs and honor the psoas in Pilates. The key to success in Pilates.” Testimonial from the London workshop: “Thank you for one of the most informative and well taught workshops.”
What is the secret to moving from the deep center? How can you perform The Hundred, The Nasty Five and The Teaser with a flat stomach, and a neck free of tension? How do you perform the Footwork and Leg Springs with proper pelvis and spine alignment? Releasing the lower back ribs! You will perform Pilates on all of the apparatus, and skills inspired from Moshe Feldenkrais® and Physio-Synthesis® that free the ribs. Experience a profound transformation of your posture and movement, freedom in your neck, back, hips and legs.
Use the posterior lateral breathing to stabilize, mobilize and suspend your spine and ribs. You will quickly learn to perform Pilates skills properly and easily. Releasing the rib cage is effective at addressing and preventing injury, especially to the neck and back.
Perform Pilates properly with a free neck, a flat stomach, functional psoas, aligned pelvis and rib cage.
You will learn:
You will perform the following to enhance rib cage mobility:
Your posture, breathing and performance will be dramatically enhanced.
A few of spaces are still available in the March 12 workshop. Each workshop: $120. Space is limited.
Sunday, April 30, 12 – 3 pm. 3 PMA CECs. Pilates from the Wings: Finding the center and wings through alignment of the arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand in Pilates. Discover the power of the Scapular Muscles and Serapè. Release the neck and shoulders. “Inspiring” “Amazing”
Sunday, June 4, 12 – 3 pm. 3 PMA CECs:
“Addressing bunions (hallux valgus) with Pilates”.
Flyer: SF2017 flyer Registration form: Registration for J Stacey WS 2017
Discover the magic of Pilates through the teachings of the Pilates Elders, science and biomechanics.
More workshops will be added in the summer. Topics will include the following:
“Gems from the Elders: Romana Kryzanowska, Kathy Grant, Ron Fletcher, Eve Gentry and Bruce King”;
“Kathy Grant Mat Class, including her Cats.”
Flyer: SF2017 flyer Registration form: Registration for J Stacey WS 2017
126 Post Street, 3rd fl., SF.
The Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ Teacher’s Course will be offered Fri – Sun, May 5 (10 – 5 pm), 6 (10 – 5 pm), 7 (10:30 – 5:30 pm)in Moraga, CA. 18 CECs offered. Stay tuned! Become an IPA™ Teacher! A fun, challenging, exhilarating way to explore Classic Pilates in, on and by the water. Space is limited.
Jennifer’s Story: Take this opportunity to study with a Second Generation teacher’s teacher who has been teaching Pilates around the world for 29 years. Jennifer founded one of the first dedicated Pilates facilities in the Bay Area. She was lucky enough to study from Romana, Ron, Kathy and Eve (and other Elders). Ron Fletcher traveled to SF to rehab his shoulder with Jennifer. Kathy Grant took workshops from Jennifer and gave her permission to teach her work. Romana Kryzanowska approved her as a Pilates teacher of her work. Jennifer has enjoyed co-teaching and learning from several revered health professionals who inform her teaching, and advance Jennifer’s ability to reveal the intelligence and wonder of Pilates.
Testimonials from workshops Jennifer taught in London 2014: “Thank you for one of the most informative and well taught workshops (March 9th Release the Rib cage).” “Always think of you as the best teacher I have ever met and still hope that you will be coming to London very soon.” “I really enjoyed your workshops and have spent the last few weeks trying to embed the work into my own teaching and practice. And: my clients have really benefited from this new approach. I really want to learn more from you, so please do let me know whenever you’re in Europe or the UK. Thank you once again for your truly inspiring workshops!” “Thank you for the great workshop. I am interested in coming to your retreat in the Algarve in July.” “Thank you for leading a great workshop. I have been teaching matwork for 10 years, but the workshop made me realise I remain a novice when it come to the traditional work. The experience went some way to me deciding to enroll on a fully comprehensive teacher training course.” “A joy to meet you and a real treat to have the wonderful input you gave from your decades of experience, thank you!” “Thank you very much for the amazing workshop and private session.” “It’s been amazing meeting you, and I feel honored to have had the chance to attend your amazing workshop here in London, and to have had the opportunity to do a private session with you. You are an amazing teacher and I’m very grateful for everything that you have taught me. I hope you will come again to London in the near future.” “I really enjoyed your detailed analysis of the repertoire, something that I felt was missing from my training and that I have been putting together for myself over time. Hence my ordering all your books!” “Loved it! Come back again soon ???? !” “Thank you for today’s workshop in London. Got loads out of it, really inspiring stuff!” “I hope you will be coming to London soon to do some workshops. That would be amazing.”
Jennifer Stacey will be teaching her scintillating workshop “Squish or Stretch: Optimizing the Stretch reflex in Pilates” at the Pilates Method Alliance 2017 conference in Indian Wells, CA in October.