Jennifer M. Stacey, M.S., a Pilates second generation teacher’s teacher, exercise physiologist/biomechanist, author, has been teaching Pilates since 1989. Jennifer is a Certified Pilates Teacher (CPT) with Pilates Method Alliance. Jennifer conducts the Peak Performance Pilates Education Program and workshops in the United States, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia and Asia. She runs the Pilates + Vacation™ Retreats in Europe.
- An internationally renown Second Generation Pilates teacher with a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology (with an emphasis in biomechanics and dance medicine), author, inventor, Jennifer presents workshops worldwide.
- Jennifer is very fortunate to have studied with many of the Pilates Master teachers, such as Kathy Grant, Romana Kryzanowska, Ron Fletcher, and attended workshops taught by Eve Gentry, Bruce King, Mary Bowen, and Lolita San Miguel. She hosted Ron Fletcher workshops. Ron traveled to San Francisco to work with Jennifer when he had a shoulder injury. Kathy Grant attended several of Jennifer’s workshops. Jennifer was thrilled to have befriended both Ron and Kathy.
- Peak Performance Pilates Half Moon Bay was founded by Jennifer in 1989. The San Francisco studio was established in 1995 to serve the members of Phantom of the Opera.
- In 1992, she was one of the original 20 teachers’ teachers for the Institute for the Pilates Method. Jennifer is a Certified Pilates Teacher (CPT) with Pilates Method Alliance.
- Jennifer founded and directed the two Body Kinetics Pilates programs (1990, 1993).
- Jennifer has been a long time presenter in the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science Symposia.
- Jennifer is presently working with Dr. Chady Wonson, D.C., LAc., C.N.C., C.T.N. ( on developing protocols in Pilates that combine the knowledge from Chiropractic, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Nutrition, and M. Feldenkrais with the Pilates repertoire. When Dr. Wonson and Jennifer work simultaneously with a client during a Pilates’ session, instantaneous and dramatic improvements in form and function occur. It is an exciting and transformative experience!
- She is author of Movement Perspectives™ , Teaching the Universal Reformer Repertoire, Roller Play™ – Roller Repertoir, Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™ manual and is presently writing 7 more volumes of the comprehensive Peak Performance Pilates Education Program teaching manuals. The next manual to be published is Teaching the Pilates Mat Repertoire.
- Jennifer runs the Pilates + Vacation™ in Europe.
- Jennifer teaches workshops, retreats and presents her published research around the world. If you are interested in hosting Jennifer in workshops or retreats email Pdf of information on Jennifer’s workshops and experience: Resume 2011brochshhorsmrf
- The Peak Performance Pilates’ teacher’s education program is incorporated into A-Lyne Pilates Teacher’s course in Paris, France.
- Jennifer created the exhilarating Immersion™ Pilates Aquatics™,
which allows you to perform Classic Pilates in, on and by the water, using a patented device. It follows Joseph Pilates’ paradigm “Never fail to get all the sunshine and fresh air that you can.” Joseph Pilates