Are people interested in Pilates and Feldenkrais inspired fitness?
The Pilates conditioning system is a time honored tradition that is sweeping the world.
The Pilates based method widens the shoulders, flattens the abdomen, strengthens the back. Joseph Pilates believed that the key to longevity is a long and unencumbered spine.
Why is Pilates unique? What can it do for me?
In the first half of the twentieth century, Joseph Pilates developed the system of "contrology." He integrated the concentration of eastern disciplines with the rigors of western athleticism to develop a mind-body conditioning program that maximizes performance potential and body shape. Since the program develops a body that is dynamically balanced in strength and flexibility, with a high degree of abdominal and back strength and lengthening of the spine and limbs, the result is an elongated sculpted body.
Addresses the concerns of today:
Pilates incorporates principles of: control, concentration, centering, precision, flowing motion, and breathing.
Pilates Goals are to:
Energize the body and mind
- to be resistant to fatigue
- to be calmer and better able to deal with stress
- to be fit, supple, strong, and well toned
- to improve your job, sport, professional or artistic endeavors
- to correct imbalances, achieve body awareness, economy of movement.
-as quoted in Gail Eisen's & Philip Friendmen's "The Pilates Method of Contrology"
Pilates is a very time efficient way of achieving fitness quickly and maintaining it. Body changes are evident immediately.